Delegation: A Winning Approach
- December 4, 2019
- Brandz Magazine Team
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Business can’t be successful if it’s led single handed. A productive team is required that can work for the shared objectives and goals.
What comes to your mind when you ‘Business Empire’ in mind? For me, it’s an army working together to obtain the objectives of achieving vast wealth and unyielding power.
Creating an empire is not easy. This idea is alluring and captivating for the entrepreneurs but it demands hard work, focus, will power and lots of people.
“Contrary to popular belief, business empires do not rest on the shoulders of a single person. They start with one or a few people and ultimately require entire teams of individuals supporting and working towards a shared vision.”
–Aaron Sanson
So, now you need to know, how to create a determined and productive team? So, I am listing down the points of how your employees should be:
- Focus on choices for roles: A perfect selection process should be followed to choose a perfect team for your organisation. You have to select the best possible candidates for different roles which bring you benefit in the long run. Therefore, it’s a good idea to frame down a proper process of recruitment.
You should always invest your time in those candidates that are capable of fulfilling long term goals, specialize in their role and can make your overall team stronger. - Each role is important: Every member in your team has some work which he has to accomplish for the organisation. Therefore, you should treat each role valuable. Every member is important and so in their work. No employee should have a question in their minds, “What are we doing here?” They should always be involved at work and achieving targets.
If an employee feels that his job is undervalued or unnecessary, he will find himself de-motivated to work and detached with the organisation. - Set targets: The best way to drive an employee to work is to give them certain targets to complete. Setting up targets and goals becomes the foundation to complete task in a particular period of time. This will help them to organise and manage their time as per the tasks allocated. This will help your employees get a bigger picture of your company and how each task in bits helps you to form an empire.
Before assigning the targets, keep in mind that they should be realistic and achievable. Employees shouldn’t be de-motivated by seeing a huge pile of work. The work should be given at the par of working hours. - Keep them motivated: Every employee in your organisation has to contribute. So, they should be kept motivated to do the tasks which involve their mental and physical labour. As a leader, you should keep them directed to think and process about work.
Above that, you should allow your employees talk their heart out and share some of their idea. It’s not always possible, that their ideas or thinking will be less compatible with your venture. Give them a chance to express themselves. In fact, try to redirect their immature thinking. Teach them that how they should process different situations that prove to be beneficial for company’s overall goals. - Trust your employees: “As an entrepreneur, you have to be OK with failure. If you’re not failing, you’re likely not pushing yourself hard enough.” –Alexa von Tobel
It is difficult for the employers to trust their employees. But, trust is vital to encourage them to work well and take the right decisions when faced with some difficult situations.
Also, you need to get through this fact- you may set up some goals or targets but there are points when your employees wouldn’t be able to catch it up. So, what to do in this case? Prepare them to face situations like these. Tell them how a slip of one opportunity can lead to their own loss. If you aren’t able to teach them and aren’t able to trust them- then you aren’t capable to run an empire. - Communication: Communication is the only way of conveying your messages to the employees. A good communication is the best way to work on projects, create strategies and accomplish tasks.
It’s real tough to acknowledge the work to done when the credentials aren’t communicated properly. Transparency about information and work has to be maintained to achieve the desired objectives.
In terms of communication, every member of your team should have and raise a voice. A true spirit of speech and feedbacks should be accepted. - Training and Development: As per new trends and innovations, employees need a gist of training and mentorship to perform every aspect of work with 100% effectiveness and efficiency. Most of the employees want some training, company retreat or mentorship to develop their skills. An investment in any of your employee will make them feel privileged and recognised, that they are gifted something that will help them in the future. This encourages them to repay this to you in present and coming projects.
- Celebrate your successes and failures: Celebrating the accomplishment of your small projects or goals will bring your entire team together merrily. Also, if someone has done a commendable job, recognise and appreciate in front of the whole team. This satisfies the self-esteem need of your employees.
If your team members fail, redirect them of how to do accomplish those tasks and put their efforts in something positive.
Building an empire is not an easy task and it becomes impossible when it has to be done single-handedly. A well-skilled, strong and productive team will help you to keep those bricks strong which you started to keep on each other one-by-one.